I have been loving rock music since I was a child, I thought it would be great to do some illustrations depicting my favourite rockstars.
Here we are.

you can find my personal version of some famous comic books
characters, picked among those who have inspired me over the years.
I said “my version”.
fact you may find them desecrating and disrespectful, sometimes, or
they might hurt some purists’ feelings (sorry in advance for that).
All I can say is that it’s the way I felt to depict them.
It’s only an interpretation.
So, enjoy it or hate it… all but be indifferent to.
… what would art be without provocation, anyway?Do not use any of these images unless you have obtained permission from the original creator.© MARVEL
© Alberto Dal Lago
Vedo novità e intelligenza tecnica, +1G!!!
RispondiEliminaGrazie, Carlo!
RispondiElimina(mi hanno purtroppo consigliato di togliere Hulk, per evitare problemi con Marvel/Disney).
Magari aspetto un po' prima di ricaricarlo).
Hermosa y sensacional técnica, me gusto en especial la ilustración de Edgar Allan Poe, la cual es fenomenal y muestra mucha plasticidad.